
The Police Shooting of Michael Brown, Jr.

 Saturday, August 9, 2014 is when the powder keg in Ferguson, MO blew. Police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed Michael Brown, Jr. That shooting brought national attention to the tiny St. Louis suburb. A light shined on the municipal government's targeting of poor blacks.  The Open Source talked to Michael Brown, Sr. about the death of his son. In this segment he describes that fateful day and how he has moved forward.

Girls Inc Teaches 8th Grade Girls Business & Entrepreneurship

  Girls, Inc has developed a program that teaches 13-14 year old girls about business. In partnership with the University of Missouri-St. Louis and First Bank , 8th graders will learn about supply chains, branding and accountability. President & CEO Cheryl Jones talked to The Open Source. Learn about the mission of Girls, Inc. in this video. 

The Death Of A Son

 Weeks after leaving for college, Nick Booker was dead. Years later, his death is positively impacting the community .  Nick's mother tells the story in an interview with The Open Source. Watch the video to hear what she had to say.